Victor Kozlov

О страновой конкурентноспособности

Jul 02, 2016 ~1 min read

Видение Ли Куан Ю, премьер-министра Сингапура, который сумел за два поколения увеличить доход на душу населения с $500 до $50′000, безусловно заслуживает внимания и осмысления.

The single most important factor to national competitiveness … “The quality of a nation’s manpower resources is the single most important factor determining national competitiveness. It is a people’s innovativeness, entrepreneurship, team work, and their work ethic that give them the sharp keen edge in competitiveness. Three attributes are vital in this competition—entrepreneurship to seek out new opportunities and to take calculated risks. Standing still is a sure way to extinction… The second attribute, innovation, is what creates new products and processes that add value… The third factor is good management. To grow, company managements have to open up new markets and create new distribution channels. The economy is driven by the new knowledge, new discoveries in science and technology, innovations that are taken to the market by entrepreneurs.
